
Night Greeting at Oizumigakuen Station

I greeted the evening with volunteers at Oizumigakuen Station. Whenever I make a speech on the street, there is always someone who tells me to be careful because it is cold, and I am always encouraged by what a warm town it is.

Today I spoke on the theme “#Women’s Voices Change Politics” and how politics would change if there were more women in Congress.

Since there are half men and half women in society, the policy is distorted unless there are also half men and half women in Congress. We were pleased to address the need for the voices of the parties to be heard in Congress. To my delight, a high school girl who was listening by my side started talking to me.

She told us many stories about the welfare of the handicapped and how she would like to see more female council members. It is really encouraging to see the younger generation taking such an interest in politics, and I was truly happy to stand at the station today. I will continue to do my best to make you feel comfortable talking to me.

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