
Attendance at Special Committee Meetings on Comprehensive and Disaster Countermeasures, etc.

Attended the Special Committee on Comprehensive and Disaster Preparedness, etc. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake. The experience corner of the ladder truck and the earthquake simulation truck, etc., will be reserved in advance by lottery.

Details are not yet available but can be found here. https://city.nerima.tokyo.jp/kurashi/bosai/oshirase/bousaifes.html

In addition, Nerima Ward has initiated a project to raise awareness of disaster prevention as a public relations campaign common to all 23 wards on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake. We requested that the publicity include a reminder that in the event of a disaster, false rumors may be circulated to discredit certain attributes.

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