It’s a joint summer training for local government members of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan since yesterday (I’m participating online today), and I’ve been listening to the board members, brazenly asking questions, and networking.
There was also work to create a catchphrase, so I proposed a reform that does not cut people, analogous to a reform that cuts oneself.
What should be the priority policy? In the group discussion, I said “support for households” above all else. Many citizens are suffering from high prices and are anxious about the future of their lives. Akira Nagatsuma, Chairman of the Policy Research Council, responded that we should be attentive to their voices and provide support to individuals, not corporate support that induces middlemen.
People matter<>, diversity matters<>, bottom-up politics
I was relieved to hear these obvious things spoken of in such a matter-of-fact manner. Other participants in the same group expressed a variety of opinions, including opposition to war, LGBTQ and minorities, gender equality, and support for reducing the burden of parenting not limited to mothers.