
Interview by Asahi Shimbun

He was sent to the U.S. in March to represent U.S.-Japan political leaders in the U.S. He was interviewed by the U.S. government.

The United States and Japan, not the nation, are the link between the regions and the people.

(日曜に想う)国でなく、地方と人がつむぐ日米 論説主幹代理・沢村亙:朝日新聞デジタル  もしトラ。もしハリ。米国大統領が交代すれば、天地がひっくり返るかのような言説が、かまびすしい。 日米関係とは何だろう。国から人へ、視点を変えて見渡してみる。 ...
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